ASD Family Help are now supporting families in Pembrokeshire thanks to National Lottery Community fund Wales to help fund our project: ‘Create Strong Autism Communities in Pembrokeshire’.
The project will support autistic people and their families/carers to take part in activities and events within their local communities, enabling people to come together to provide peer support and develop friendships. It will enable autistic children, young people, and adults to learn new skills in safe autism friendly environments and will create positive experiences, within their communities. Information about autism, rights, training, and signposting to other opportunities in the local community will be provided to empower parents/carers to support young people into adult life.
ASD Family Help events are in the following areas, Pembroke Dock, Tenby, Milford Haven, Haverfordwest & Fishguard, thanks to National Lottery players by providing a variety of autism related training courses, and Peer Support, to families/carers who have a neurodivergent young person. Our Youth clubs are for 5 to 18 yrs. old, and our Adult group is for 18 plus. For additional advice and information, please look at our Pembrokeshire Facebook page or our web page under Pembrokeshire events
To stay up to date with all of our activities please visit our Facebook page
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Mae gan Cymorth Teulu ASD ardal newydd, a phrosiect, o’r enw “Autism Support (start-up) Sir Benfro” sy’n cefnogi’r gymuned diolch i arian y Loteri Genedlaethol.
Cymorth Teulu ASD ym Mhenfro, Dinbych-y-pysgod, Aberdaugleddau, Gorllewin Hwlffordd & Mae Saundersfoot, yn helpu eu cymuned yn ystod yr amser heriol hwn diolch i chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol trwy ddarparu amrywiaeth o gyrsiau hyfforddi cysylltiedig ag Awtistiaeth, a chefnogaeth cymheiriaid, i deuluoedd / gofalwyr sydd â pherson awtistig ifanc, a chyngor a rhannu gwybodaeth ychwanegol trwy ein Sir Benfro newydd. Tudalen Facebook, a thrwy hynny helpu pobl i lywio trwy’r materion cymhleth, a gwybodaeth sy’n benodol i’w teuluoedd.
I gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ein hyfforddiant a’n gweithdai (a fydd yn debygol o fod o bell dros chwyddo ar yr adeg hon), ewch i’n tudalen Facebook
Melissa Hutchings- The Pembrokeshire Lead, managing this wonderful project said: “Thanks to National Lottery players, this grant means that we can:
1. Bring communities together to support each other, so they do not feel so alone and isolated. This will help to improve mental health
2. Empower parents/carers with knowledge and skills so that they can connect with their young person. Understand them and amend and adapt their approach
3. Raise awareness and acceptance of Autism within the area
4. Support families with claiming benefits, as so many are on the poverty line.
This will make a big difference to people’s lives.”
We have a wonderful team of staff and volunteers already to help and support you.
Neges gan Melissa: “Mae hyn mor gyffrous! Gallu estyn allan at rieni / gofalwyr plant cyn / ar ôl cael diagnosis awtistiaeth a chynnal ystod o weithdai awtistiaeth rhieni cefnogol, a fydd yn galluogi teuluoedd i ddod at ei gilydd, yn teimlo nad ydyn nhw ar eu pennau eu hunain, yn ogystal â’u grymuso gyda’r sgiliau a gwybodaeth ar ddeall a helpu eu plant. Ni allaf aros i ddechrau ac wrth i bopeth ddechrau ailagor, rhedeg y gweithdai hyn wyneb yn wyneb a gobeithio dod â rhywfaint o gydnabyddiaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch awtistiaeth. Ein nod yw i’n pobl awtistig ifanc dyfu i fod yn oedolion annibynnol hapus sy’n teimlo’n ddiogel ac yn rhan o’r gymuned leol. ”