A weekly fun sports/games session for children and young people aged 5 to 18 years with special educational needs (such as autism, dyslexia, anxiety, OCD, ADHD or learning difficulties). No diagnosis is required and siblings can attend depending on spaces – please ask us.
The ratio for this session is 1 adult to 8 children. We are unable to provide one to one support.
No serious sporting skills required and there are often no winners or losers! Our aim is to encourage having fun and being physically active together!
Staff are experienced working with children and young people with additional needs and the environment is supportive and welcoming.
Children must bring a named water bottle as we have no easy access to water.
Parents do not stay in the sessions but can watch through the hall door). All attendees must complete a sign up form and attend a sign up meeting before being allocated a space.
To apply for a space, please complete this sign up form:
The sign up meeting is essential because it allows the young person the opportunity to ask us questions, meet our staff and begin to feel comfortable with us. We will also talk to you as the parent/carer to assess whether we are able to meet your child’s needs.
The cost of sessions are £4.00 per child per session, which is payable half-termly.

Upcoming sessions
Sessions run weekly term time only on Monday’s from 6-7pm (excluding Bank Holidays).
For a full list of upcoming and recent events, visit our Facebook events page.
FBC Centre
Gorse Ride
Berkshire RG40 4ES
There is ample free parking at the venue. You can access the venue and parking from either Gorse Ride South or Gorse Ride North.